Introduction to Computer Science Theory
4003-380-01, Spring 2011
RIT Department of Computer Science

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Classes: Tues, Thurs 4-5:50pm
Room: 70-3455 (Golisano College)
Web Page:
Week 10
- A practice exam (with a solution key) is now available through MyCourses, under Content.
- The final exam will be on Tuesday May 17 from 12:30-2:30pm in our regular classroom (70-3455)
- All uncollected graded materials have been placed in the mailbox outside Prof. Zanibbi's office.
- The answer keys for all homeworks have now been posted under MyCourses.
Week 9
- Homework 8 has been posted, and is due next Tuesday (May 10).
Week 8
- The second midterm will be given during the first hour of lecture on Thursday. We will go over the midterm and Homework 7 during the second hour of lecture.
- Homework 7 has been posted, and is due next Tuesday (May 3).
- The solution key for Homework 6 has been posted.
Week 7
- The second midterm will given during the first hour of class next Thursday. We will review the exam in the second hour of lecture.
- Homework 6 has been posted. It is due next Tuesday (April 26).
- The solution key for Homework 5 has been posted on myCourses.
Week 6
- Homework 5 has been posted. It is due
next Tuesday (April 19).
Week 5
- The solution key for the midterm exam has been posted on myCourses.
- We will discuss Homework 4 and have a review in class on Tuesday.
- The answer key for Homework 4 will be posted on Tuesday evening.
Week 4
- Homework 4 has been posted, and
the answer key for Homework 3 is available under `Content' on myCourses.
- The midterm examination will be given during the first hour of lecture next Thursday (April 7).
- The exam is closed book and notes, but students are permitted to bring a letter-sized sheet of paper
with their own hand-written notes to the exam.
- A sample midterm is available here, with sample solutions here. Try to do the questions before looking at the solutions; it will better prepare you for the examination.
There will be a review of the exam during the second hour of lecture.
Week 3
- Homework 3 is now available. It is due next Tuesday at 4pm (March 29).
- The solution key for HW2 has been posted on myCourses.
Week 2
- The solution key for HW1 has been posted.
- Homework 2 has been posted. It is due next Tuesday at 4pm (March 22)
Week 1
- The solution key for the discrete math quiz is available under 'Content' in myCourses
- Homework 1 has been posted, and is due Tuesday at 4pm (March 15)
- The theory tutoring schedule for spring quarter has been
- Lecture slides are available under the "Content" section
for the course on myCourses (link above).
Last updated 3/23/2011