Introduction to Computer Science Theory

4003-380-01 (Spring 2011)


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A note on assigned readings: We cannot stress strongly enough that you are expected to have read assigned portions of the texts before class, as some of the material will not be covered in class unless questions arise. You are responsible for everything in the assigned readings whether covered in class or not, as well as lecture material whether covered in the readings or not. Pertinent questions are always welcome.

Slides for all lectures will be posted on mycourses.
Homework assigned
HW due
1 Tues March 8 Introduction
Review of Discrete Math / Proofs
Ch 0
Thurs March 10 Discrete Math Quiz
Strings, Languages, Recursive definitions
HW #1 assigned 
2 Tues March 15 Finite Automata
Ch 1 HW #2 assigned  HW #1 due (Tuesday)
Thurs March 17 Regular Operations
FA Problem Session
3 Tues March 22 Regular Operations II
FA <-> NFA Equivalence
HW #3 assigned  HW #2 due (Tuesday)
Thurs March 24 Regular Expressions
NFA Problem Session
4 Tues March 29 Kleene Theorem
HW #4 assigned HW #3 due (Tuesday)
Thurs March 31 FA Equivalence / Minimization
RL / Pumping Lemma Problem Session
5 Tues April 5 Myhill-Nerode Theorem
Pumping Lemma

HW #4 due (Tuesday)
Thurs April 7 MIDTERM EXAM
Exam Review/Problem Session
6 Tues April 12 Context Free Grammars  / Parse Trees / Derivation Ambiguity
Pushdown Automata

Ch 2 HW #5 assigned
Thurs April 14 CFG <-> PDA Equivalence
CFG Problem Session
Ch 3

7 Tues April 19 Pumping Lemma for PDA
Turing Machines, incl.
Universal and Other Variants
HW #6 assigned HW #5 due (Tuesday)
Thurs April 21 Recursive & Recursive Enumerable Languages
TM Problem Session
Ch 4

8 Tues April 26 Decidability
Unsolvable Problems
HW #7 assigned HW #6 due (Tuesday)
Exam Review/Problem Session

9 Tues May 3 Reducability
Post Correspondence Problem
Ch 5 HW#8 assigned HW #7 due (Tuesday)
Thurs May 5 Complexity: P, NP/  NP Complete
Reducability Problem Session  
10 Tues May 10 SAT is NP-Complete (Cook's Theorem)
Other NP Complete Problems
HW #8 due (Tuesday)
Thurs May 12 Final Problem/Review Session (anything goes)


Final Exam: Tues. May 17, 2011 (12:30-2:30pm), Room 70-3455 (Regular Classroom)