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Topic Index

Publications by Topic

Chemical Information Retrieval

Shah, A.K., Amador, B., Dey, A., Creekmore, M., Ocampo, B., Denmark, and Zanibbi, R. (2024) ChemScraper: Leveraging PDF Graphics Instructions for Molecular Diagram Parsing. ICDAR (Journal Track).

Mathematical Information Retrieval

Zanibbi, R., Mansouri, B., and Agarwal, A. (2024). Mathematical Information Retrieval: Search and Question Answering. Book draft; 1st draft for planned issue in Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval. (arXiv link coming soon)

Langsenkamp, M., Amador, B., and Zanibbi, R. (2024) A Study of PHOC Spatial Region Configurations for Math Formula RetrievalarXiv, article no. 2408.09283.

Amador, B., Langsenkamp, M., Dey, A., Shah, A.K., and Zanibbi, R. (2023) Searching the ACL Anthology with Math Formulas and Text. SIGIR 2023 (demonstration paper).

Mansouri, B., Oard, D.W., and Zanibbi, R. (2022) Contextualized Formula Search Using Abstract Meaning Representation. CIKM 2022. 

Mansouri, B., Novotny, V., Agarwal, A., Oard, D.W., and Zanibbi, R. (2022) Third CLEF Lab on Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math (Working Notes Version). CLEF 2022 Working Notes.

Mansouri, B., Novotny, V., Agarwal, A., Oard, D.W., and Zanibbi, R. (2022) Third CLEF Lab on Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math. To appear in: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference of the CLEF Association (CLEF 2022), LNCS volume 13390.

Langsenkamp, M., Mansouri, B., and Zanibbi, R. (2022) Expanding Spatial Regions and Incorporating IDF for PHOC-Based Math Formula Retrieval at ARQMath-3. CLEF 2022 Working Notes.

Mansouri, B., Oard, D.W., and Zanibbi, R. (2022) DPRL Systems in the CLEF 2022 ARQMath Lab: Introducing MathAMR for Math-Aware Search. CLEF 2022 Working Notes.

Mansouri,B., and Agarwal, A., and Oard, D.W., and Zanibbi, R. (2022) Advancing Math-Aware Search: The ARQMath-3 Lab at CLEF 2022. ECIR 2022 Working Notes, pp. 408-415.

B. Mansouri, D.W. Oard, A. Agarwal, R. Zanibbi: Effects of context, complexity, and clustering on evaluation for math formula retrieval. CoRR abs/2111.10504 (2021) (arXiv link

Mansouri, B., Zanibbi, R., and Oard, D.W. (2021) Learning to Rank for Mathematical Formula Retrieval. SIGIR 2021.

Mansouri, B., Oard, D.W., and Zanibbi, R. (2021) Advancing Math-Aware Search: The ARQMath-2 Lab at CLEF 2021. ECIR 2021.

Diaz, Y., Nishizawa, G., Mansouri, B., Davila, K. and Zanibbi, R. (2021) The MathDeck Formula Editor: Interactive Formula Entry Combining LaTeX, Structure Editing, and Search. Demonstration paper, CHI 2021.

Mansouri, B., Zanibbi, R., Oard, D.W., and Agarwal, A. (2021) Overview of ARQMath-2 (2021): Second CLEF Lab on Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math (Working Notes Version). CLEF (Working Notes) 2021: 1-24.

Mansouri, B., Zanibbi, R., Oard, D.W., and Agarwal, A. (2021) Overview of ARQMath-2 (2021): Second CLEF Lab on Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math. CLEF 2021: 215-238 (LNCS version -- please note that working notes version above contains additions)

Avenoso, R., Mansouri, B., and Zanibbi, R. (2021) XY-PHOC Symbol Location Embeddings for Math Formula Retrieval and Autocompletion. CLEF (Working Notes) 2021: 25-35.

Mansouri, B., and Oard, D.W. and Zanibbi, R. (2021) DPRL Systems in the CLEF 2021 ARQMath Lab: Sentence-BERT for Answer Retrieval, Learning-to-Rank for Formula Retrieval. CLEF (Working Notes) 2021: 47-62.

Zhong, W., Zhang, X., Xin, J., Zanibbi, R., and Lin, J. (2021) Approach Zero and Anserini at the CLEF-2021 ARQMath Track: Applying Substructure Search and BM25 on Operator Tree Path Tokens. CLEF (Working Notes) 2021: 133-156.

Mansouri, B., Oard, D.W., and Zanibbi, R. (2020) DPRL Systems in the CLEF 2020 ARQMath Lab. CLEF 2020 Working Notes.

Zanibbi, R., Oard, D.W., Agarwal, A., and Mansouri, B. (2020) Overview of ARQMath 2020 (Updated Working Notes Version): CLEF Lab on Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math. Proceedings of CLEF 2020.

Zhong, W., Rohatgi, S., Wu, J., Giles, C.L., and Zanibbi, R. (2020) Accelerating Substructure Similarity Search for Formula Retrieval. Proc. European Conference on Information Retrieval.

Nishizawa, G., Liu, J., Diaz, Y., Dmello, A., Zhong, W. and Zanibbi, R. (2020) MathSeer: A Math-Aware Search Interface with Intuitive Formula Editing, Reuse, and Lookup.  Proc. European Conference on Information Retrieval.

Mansouri, B., Agarwal, A., Oard, D., and Zanibbi, R. (2020) Finding Old Answers to New Math Questions: The ARQMath Lab at CLEF 2020. Proc. European Conference on Information Retrieval.

Mansouri, B., Rohtagi, S., Oard, D., Wu, J., Giles, C.L., and Zanibbi, R. (2019) Tangent-CFT: An Embedding model for Mathematical Formulas.  Proc. International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. Santa Clara, California, USA.

Mansouri, B., and Oard, D., and Zanibbi, R. (2019) Characterizing Searches for Mathematical Concepts, Proc. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.

Zhong, W. and Zanibbi, R. (2019) Structural Similarity Search for Formulas using Leaf-Root Paths in Operator Subtrees. Proc. European Conference on Information Retrieval, Cologne, Germany. 

Davila, K. and Zanibbi, R. (2019)  Tangent-V: Math Formula Image Search Using Line-of-Sight Graphs. Proc. European Conference on Information Retrieval, Cologne, Germany.

Davila, K. and Zanibbi, R. (2018) Visual Search Engine for Handwritten and Typeset Math in Lecture Videos and LaTeX Notes. Proc. Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Niagara Falls, NY (Best Paper Award).

Davila, K. and Zanibbi, R. (2017) Layout and Semantics: Combining Representations for Math Formula Search. Proc. ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Tokyo, Japan.

R. Zanibbi, K. Davlia, A. Kane and F. Tompa (2016) Multi-Stage Math Formula Search: Using Appearance-Based Similarity Metrics at Scale. Proc. ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), pp. 145-154, Pisa, Italy.

K. Davila. (2016) Appearance-Based Retrieval of Mathematical Notation in Documents and Lecture Videos. Proc. ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), (abstract), pp. 1165-1165, Pisa, Italy.

R. Zanibbi, A. Aizawa, M. Kohlhase, I. Ounis, G. Topic and K. Davila. (2016) NTCIR-12 MathIR Task Overview. Proc. NTCIR-12, Tokyo (online proceedings).

K. Davila, R. Zanibbi, A. Kane and F.W. Tompa (2016) Tangent-3 at the NTCIR-12 MathIR Task. Proc. NTCIR-12, Tokyo (online proceedings).

M. Kanadje, Z. Miller, A. Agarwal, R. Gaborski, R. Zanibbi and S. Ludi. (2016) Assisted keyword indexing for lecture videos using unsupervised keyword spotting. Pattern Recognition Letters, 71(1):8--15. (Online demonstration). Final version available online from Elsevier.

H. Chatbri, K. Davila, K. Kameyama and R. Zanibbi (2015) Shape matching using keypoints extracted from both the foreground and the background of binary images. Proc. Int'l Conf. Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, pp. 205-210, Orleans, France.

Zanibbi, R. and Orakwue, A. (2015) Math Search for the Masses: Multimodal Search Interfaces and Appearance-Based Retrieval. Proc. Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), LNAI 9150, Springer, pp. 18-36, Washington, DC.

Stalnaker, D. and Zanibbi, R. (2015) Math expression retrieval using an inverted index over symbol pairs. Proc. SPIE Document Recognition and Retrieval, Vol. 9402, pp. 07(1)-07(12), San Francisco.

Pattaniyil, N. and Zanibbi, R. (2014) Combining TF-IDF Text Retrieval with an Inverted Index over Symbol Pairs in Math Expressions: The Tangent Math Search Engine at NTCIR 2014. Proc. 11th NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR), Tokyo, Japan (online, 8pp.).

Reichenbach, M.S., Agarwal, A. and Zanibbi, R. (2014) Rendering expressions to improve accuracy of relevance assessment for math search. Proc. ACM SIGIR, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 851-854.

Del Valle Wangari, K., Zanibbi, R. and Agarwal, A. (2014) Discovering real-world use cases for a multimodal math search interface. Proc. ACM SIGIR, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 947-950.

Davila, K.M., Agarwal, A., Gaborski, R., Zanibbi, R., and Ludi, S. (2013) AccessMath: Indexing and retrieving video segments containing math expressions based on visual similarity. Proc. IEEE Western New York Image Processing Conference, Rochester, NY (online, 4pp.)

S. Zhu, L. Hu and R. Zanibbi (2013) Rotation-Robust Math Symbol Recognition and Retrieval Using Outer Contours and Image Subsampling Proc. Document Recognition and Retrieval, SPIE vol. 8658, pp. OI:1-8, San Francisco, CA.

R. Zanibbi and D. Blostein (2012) Recognition and Retrieval of Mathematical Expressions, Int'l. Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 15(4): 331-357. (original publication available from

C. Sasarak, K. Hart, R. Pospesel, D. Stalnaker, L. Hu, R. LiVolsi, S. Zhu, and R. Zanibbi. (2012) min: A Multimodal Web Interface for Math Search. Symp. Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, Cambridge, MA (online, 4pp).

T. Schellenberg, B. Yuan and R. Zanibbi (2012). Layout-based substitution tree indexing and retrieval for mathematical expressions, Proc. Document Recognition and Retrieval XIX, pp. 8297OI-1 - 8297OI-8, San Francisco.

R. Zanibbi and L. Yu. (2011) Math Spotting: Retrieving Math in Technical Documents Using Handwritten Query Images. Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 446-451, Beijing.

R. Zanibbi and B. Yuan. (2011) Keyword and image-based retrieval of mathematical expressions. Proc. Document Recognition and Retrieval XVIII, vol. 7874 Proc. SPIE, pp. OI1-OI9, San Francisco, CA.

L. Yu and R. Zanibbi. (2009) Math Spotting in Technical Documents Using Handwritten Queries, Int'l Workshop on Pen-Based Mathematical Computation (extended abstract).

Math Recognition

Truong, T.-N., Nguyen, C.T., Zanibbi, R., Mouchère, H., and Nakagawa, M. (2024) A survey on handwritten mathematical expression recognition: The rise of encoder-decoder and GNN models. Pattern Recognition. (preprint version)

Shah, A.K., and Zanibbi, R. (2023) Line-of-sight with Graph Attention Parser (LGAP) for Math Formulas. ICDAR 2023.

A. Dey and R. Zanibbi (2021). ScanSSD-XYc: Faster Detection for Math Formulas. GREC 2021.

A.K. Shah, A. Dey, and R. Zanibbi (2021). A Math Formula Extraction and Evaluation Framework for PDF Documents. ICDAR 2021.

M. Mahdavi, L. Sun, and R. Zanibbi (2020) . Visual Parsing with Query-Driven Global Graph Attention (QD-GGA): Preliminary Results for Handwritten Math Formula Recognition. Proc. CVPR Workshop on Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era.

M. Mahdavi, M. Condon, K. Davila, and R. Zanibbi (2019) LPGA: Line-of-Sight Parsing with Graph-based Attention for Math Formula Recognition. Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, Sydney, Australia.

M. Mahdavi, R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, and Utpal Garain (2019). ICDAR 2019 CROHME + TFD: Competition on Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions and Typeset Formula Detection. Proc. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Sydney, Australia.

M. Mahdavi and R. Zanibbi (2019) Tree-Based Structure Recognition Evaluation for Math Expressions: Techniques and Case Study. IAPR Graphics Recognition Workshop (GREC, held at ICDAR 2019), Sydney, Australia (abstract, 2pp.).

M. Mahdavi, M. Condon, and R. Zanibbi (2018) Applying Hierarchical Contextual Parsing to Isolated Typeset Math Formulas. Western New York Image Processing Workshop (WNYIP), Rochester, NY, USA. (poster)

L. Hu and R. Zanibbi. (2016) MST-Based Visual Parsing of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions. Proc. Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Shenzhen, China.

L. Hu and R. Zanibbi. (2016) Line-of-Sight Stroke Graphs and Parzen Shape Context Features for Handwritten Math Formula Representation and Symbol Segmentation. Proc. Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Shenzhen, China.

H Mouchere, C. Viard-Gaudin, R. Zanibbi and U. Garain. (2016) ICFHR 2016 CROHME: Competition on Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions.. Proc. Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Shenzhen, China.

H. Mouchere, R. Zanibbi, U. Garain and C. Viard-Gaudin. (2016) Advancing the State-of-the-Art for Handwritten Math Recognition: The CROHME Competitions, 2011-2014. Int'l Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 19(2): 173-189. (original publication available from

Davila, K.M., Ludi, S. and Zanibbi, R. (2014) Using off-line features and synthetic data for on-line handwritten math symbol recognition. Proc. Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, pp. 323-328, Crete, Greece.

Mouchere, H., Viard-Gaudin, C., Zanibbi, R. and Garain, U. (2014) ICFHR 2014 Competition on Recognition of On-line Handwritten Mathematical Expressions (CROHME 2014). Proc. Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, pp. 791-796, Crete, Greece.

D. Blostein and R. Zanibbi. (2014) Processing Mathematical Notation, Chapter 5.6 in Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition, pp. 679-702, Springer-Verlag.

F. Alvaro and R. Zanibbi (2013) A Shape-Based Layout Descriptor for Classifying Spatial Relationships in Handwritten Math. ACM Symp. Document Engineering, Florence, Italy, pp. 123-126.

L. Hu and R. Zanibbi (2013) Segmenting Handwritten Math Symbols Using AdaBoost and Multi-Scale Shape Context Features. Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 1180-1184, Washington, DC.

S. Zhu, L. Hu and R. Zanibbi (2013) Rotation-Robust Math Symbol Recognition and Retrieval Using Outer Contours and Image Subsampling Proc. Document Recognition and Retrieval, Proc. SPIE vol. 8658, pp. 05-1 - 05-12, San Francisco, CA.

R. Zanibbi and D. Blostein (2012) Recognition and Retrieval of Mathematical Expressions, Int'l. Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 15(4): 331-357. (original publication available from

L. Hu, K. Hart, R. Pospesel, and R. Zanibbi. (2012) Baseline extraction-driven parsing of handwritten mathematical expressions Proc. Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba Science City, Japan.

L. Hu and R. Zanibbi. (2011) HMM-Based Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Symbols Using Segmental K-means Initialization and a Modified Pen-up/down Feature. Proc. Int'l. Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 457-462, Beijing.

L. Ouyang and R. Zanibbi. (2009) Identifying Layout Classes for Mathematical Symbols using Layout Context, Proc. IEEE Western New York Image Processing Workshop (extended abstract).

L. Ouyang and R. Zanibbi. (2009) Handwritten Mathematical Symbol Classification Using Layout Context, Int'l Workshop on Pen-Based Mathematical Computation (extended abstract).

A. Pillay and R. Zanibbi. (2009) Intelligent Combination of Structural Analysis Algorithms: Application to Mathematical Expression Recognition, Int'l Workshop on Pen-Based Mathematical Computation (extended abstract).

L. Zhang, D. Blostein, and R. Zanibbi. (2005) Using Fuzzy Logic to Analyze Superscript and Subscript Relations in Handwritten Mathematical Expressions, in Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 972-976, Seoul, Korea.

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2002) Recognizing Mathematical Expressions Using Tree Transformation, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 1455-1467. (The original publication is available at

D. Blostein, J.R. Cordy and R. Zanibbi. (2002) Applying Compiler Techniques to Diagram Recognition, in Proc. Sixteenth Int'l Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. 3, pp. 123-126, Quebec City, Canada.

D. Blostein, E. Lank, A. Rose, and R. Zanibbi. (2002) User Interfaces for On-Line Diagram Recognition, in Graphics Recognition: Algorithms and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2390, pp. 92-103.

R. Zanibbi, K. Novins, J. Arvo and K. Zanibbi. (2001) Aiding Manipulation of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions through Style-Preserving Morphs, In Proc. Graphics Interface 2001, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 127-134.

Music Notation Recognition

Choi, K.-Y., Couasnon, B., Ricquebourg, Y., and Zanibbi, R. (2019) CNN-Based Accidental Detection in Dense Printed Piano Scores. Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, Sydney, Australia.

Choi, K.-Y., Couasnon, B., Ricquebourg, Y., and Zanibbi, R. (2018) Music symbol detection with Faster R-CNN using synthetic annotations. Proc. Int'l Work. Reading Music Systems, Paris, France, pp. 9-10. (abstract)

B. Coüasnon, A. Popat and R. Zanibbi. Discussion Group Summary: Graphics Syntax in the Deep Learning Age. Proc. Work. Graphics Recognition 2017, 4 pp., 2018.

K.-Y. Choi, B. Coüasnon, Yann Ricquebourg and R. Zanibbi. Music Symbol Detection with Faster R-CNN Using Synthetic Annotations. Proc. Int'l Work. Reading Music Systems (WoRMS), 2 pp.(abstract), 2018.

Pacha, A., Choi, K-Y., Couasnon, B., Ricquebourg, Y., Zanibbi, R. and Eidenberger, H. (2018) Handwritten Music Object Detection: Open Issues and Baseline Results. Proc. IAPR W. on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Vienna, Austria.

Choi, K.Y., Couasnon, B., Ricquebourg, Y. and Zanibbi, R. (2017) Bootstrapping Samples of Accidentals in Dense Piano Scores for CNN-Based Detection. Proc. IAPR Int'l. W. on Graphics Recognition (GREC), Kyoto, Japan (abstract).

Text Detection and OCR

Davila, K. and Zanibbi, R. (2017) Whiteboard Video Summarization via Spatio-Temporal Conflict Minimization. Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Kyoto, Japan.

S. Zhu and R. Zanibbi (2016). A Text Detection System for Natural Scenes with Convolutional Feature Learning and Cascaded Classification. Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 625-632, Las Vegas. Final version available from IEEE Xplore.

C. Riedl, R. Zanibbi, M.A. Hearst, S. Zhu, M. Menietti, J. Crusan, I. Metelsky, K.R. Lakhani (2016) Detecting figures and part labels in patents: competition-based development of graphics recognition algorithms. Int'l J. Document Analysis and Recognition, 19(2): 155-172. (original publication available from

S. Zhu and R. Zanibbi (2013) Label Detection and Recognition for USPTO Images using Convolutional K-means Feature Quantization and AdaBoost. Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 1428-1432, Washington, DC.


K. Kluever and R. Zanibbi. (2009) Balancing Usability and Security in a Video CAPTCHA, in Proc. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (archived online in the ACM International Conference Proceeding Series).

K. Kluever and R. Zanibbi. (2008) Video CAPTCHAs: Usability vs. Security. Proc. IEEE Western New York Image Processing Workshop, Rochester, NY (USA) (extended abstract).

K. Kluever. (2008) Breaking the PayPal HIP: A Comparison of Classifiers. (RIT Department of Computer Science Technical Report).

Evaluating Pattern Recognition Systems

R. Zanibbi, H. Mouchere, and C. Viard-Gaudin (2013) Evaluating Structural Pattern Recognition for Handwritten Math via Primitive Label Graphs Proc. Document Recognition and Retrieval, Proc. SPIE vol. 8658, pp. 17-1 - 17-11, San Francisco, CA.

R. Zanibbi, A. Pillay, H. Mouchere, C. Viard-Gaudin, and D. Blostein. (2011) Stroke-Based Performance Metrics for Handwritten Mathematical Expressions. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 334-338, Beijing.

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2009) White-Box Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms through Explicit Decision-Making, Proc. Int'l. Conf. Computer Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5815, pp. 295-304.

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2008) Decision-Based Specification and Comparison of Table Recognition Algorithms, in Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 90, pp. 71-103 (original version is available from

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2006) Decision-Based Specification and Comparison of Table Recognition Strategies. Proc. IEEE Western New York Image Processing Workshop, Rochester, NY (USA) (extended abstract)

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2005) The Recognition Strategy Language, in Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 565-569, Seoul, Korea.

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2005) Historical Recall and Precision: Summarizing Generated Hypotheses, in Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 202-206, Seoul, Korea.

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2005) Recognition Tasks are Imitation Games, in Pattern Recognition and Data Mining, Eds. S. Singh et al., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3686, pp. 209-218.

Miscellaneous Document Recognition

C. Bigelow and R. Zanibbi (2015) Analysis Of Typographical Trends In European Printing 1470-1660. Proc. Conf. of the American Printing History Association.

C. Riedel, R. Zanibbi, M.A. Hearst, S. Zhu, M. Menietti, J. Crusan, I. Metelsky, and K.R. Lakhani. (Oct. 2014) Detecting Figures and Part Labels in Patents: Competition-Based Development of Image Processing Algorithms. Harvard-NASA Tournament Lab Technical Report 01 (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA).

R. LiVolsi, R. Zanibbi, and C. Bigelow. (2012) Collecting historical font metrics from Google Books. Proc. Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition, Tsukuba Science City, Japan.

J.C. Handley, A.M. Namboodiri, and R. Zanibbi. (2005) Document Understanding System Using Stochastic Context-Free Grammars, in Proc. Int'l Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 511-515, Seoul, Korea.

R. Zanibbi, D. Blostein, and J.R. Cordy. (2004) A Survey of Table Recognition: Models, Observations, Transformations, and Inferences, Int'l J. Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-16. (The original publication is available at

D. Blostein, R. Zanibbi, G. Nagy, R. Harrap. (2003) Document Representations. Proc. Fifth IAPR Int'l Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2003), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 3-12.


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