Left-to-right: Parag, Puneeth, Wei, Behrooz, Mahshad, Thomas, Abishai, and Dr. Zanibbi.
Inside the Lab
Wei, Mahshad and Thomas taking a break, trying out our ping-pong set, Fall 2018.
dprl Potluck
Picture of the food at our first potluck! The dishes originate from China, France, Honduras, India, Iran, Canada and the USA. DPRL carrot art: Behrooz Mansouri.
Math-Aware Search Researchers
SIGIR 2016, Pisa, Italy Left-to-Right: Richard Zanibbi, Kenny Davila, Moritz Schubotz, Iadh Ounis, Bela Gipp, and Lingcai Gao
The dprl and CUBS (Univ. Buffalo) hosted ICFHR 2018 in Niagara Falls, USA. Richard Zanibbi was a Co-Chair; Mahshad Mahdavi, Thomas Choi, and Kenny Davila assisted with running the conference. Details can be found on the ICFHR 2018 website.
ECIR 2019, Cologne, Germany for Structural Similarity Search for Formulas using Leaf-Root Paths in Operator Subtrees by Wei Zhong and Richard Zanibbi
dprl, Spring 2021
rows LR, top-down: Abhisek Dey, Prof. Zanibbi, Matt Langsenkamp, Behrooz Mansouri, Yancarlos Diaz, Robin Avenoso, Ayush Kumar Shah
dprl, May 2022
Left-to-right: Ayush Kumar Shah, Matt Langsenkamp, Richard Zanibbi, Behrooz Mansouri, Abhisek Dey, and JP Ramissini
ICDAR 2023 (San Jose, Aug.)
Dr. Zanibbi was a Program Co-Chair alongside Gernot Fink, Rajiv Jain, and Koichi Kise. Ayush Kumar Shah participated in the Doctoral Consortium and presented his work on recognizing math from images.
ICDAR 2024 (Athens, Greece)
Ayush Kumar Shah presenting his journal track (ICDAR/IJDAR) paper on the ChemScraper born-digital and visual parsers. This work was a collaboration between computer scientists at RIT and chemists at UIUC through the MMLI NSF AI Institute. Paper: Shah, A.K., Amador, B., Dey, A., Creekmore, M., Ocampo, B., Denmark, S. and Zanibbi, R. ChemScraper: leveraging PDF graphics instructions for molecular diagram parsing, IJDAR 27: 395-414.
Math IR Book
Richard Zanibbi, Behrooz Mansouri (dprl alumnus), and Anurag Agarwal have completed a draft manuscript for Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval. The final book will appear early in 2025. (draft arxiv link)
(Feb 2025) A dprl + UIUC MMLI demo paper for the ReactionMiner prototype has been submitted for publication ("Multimodal Search in Chemical Documents and Reactions," arXiv version). The demo web page provides a video, live demo, and link to code.
(Jan 2025) The final version of the MathIR book by Richard Zanibbi, Behrooz Mansouri, and Anurag Agarwal has been published. A PDF of the final version of the book is available here.
(Jan 2025) Ayush Kumar Shah is presenting work on automatic reaction extraction from PDF documents work that the dprl lab has been doing for the MMLI NSF AI Center on Tuesday, Jan. 28th, alongside three UIUC PhD students working in chemistry and chemoinformatics for MMLI.
(Jan 2025) Ayush Kumar Shah has accepted a position as a Research Scientist with Meta, starting in Summer 2025.
(Nov 2024) Congratulations to Ayush Kumar Shah, who has submitted his dissertation proposal. His defense will be in the latter part of December.
(Aug 2024) We welcome Patrick Philippy as a new PhD student this fall. Patrick has been working on the ChemScraper project for the MMLI NSF AI Center while exploring dissertation topics.
(Aug 2024) Bryan Amador and Matt Langsenkamp have released a paper on arXiv regarding 2D pyramidal character histograms, and the use of rectangular regions and level-skipping that improve formula search effectiveness and space efficiency:https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.09283.
(May 2024) The dprl lab's paper on ChemScraper has been accepted to the ICDAR 2024 journal track. The paper describes (1) a fast and accurate technique for parsing born-digital (vector) PDF images, and (2) its use to create training data for a new approach to visual parsing of molecule diagrams in raster images (i.e., pixel-based such as from PNGs). Code is also available. The paper will appear in a special issue of IJDAR.
(May 2024) Internships: This summer PhD student Abhisek Dey is completing an internship with the drug design company Insitro in San Francisco (Daphne Koller is the CEO). Former RA Ming Creekmore will be working until January with Ying Diao's group in the MMLI NSF AI Center at Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, applying AI to improve solar cell designs.