List of Publications - chronological
Stanisław P. Radziszowski
Department of Computer Science,
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York 14623, ,
Dynamic survey of Ramsey numbers
Small Ramsey Numbers,
revision #17, June 7, 2024,
133 pages (pdf)
[survey (ps | pdf) 77pp,
references (ps | pdf) 56pp]
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
Dynamic Surveys DS1,
revisions #1 through #17, 1994-2024,
Preliminary version appeared as a TR,
Computer Science, RIT-TR-93-009 (1993).
All others ...
The linked versions of the papers are in most cases preliminary versions.
If a paper appeared in a journal, it is recommended to look at the final journal version.
MR review is given if different from summary or no link to paper is available.
This listing is in reverse chronological order of
writing the last version of the papers, not their publication year.
You can view the same sorted by subject:
Ramsey numbers |
graph theory |
applied cryptography |
combinatorial designs |
Most of older papers can be accessed through
RIT Scholar Works
and RIT Digital Archive.
Towards a Quantum-Resistant Future: Experiences in Post-Quantum Cryptography Education,
with Thomas J. Borrelli, Monika Polak and Sumita Mishra,
poster to appear in
Proceedings of the 56th ACM Symposium on Computer
Science Education, SIGCSE'2025.
Some Upper Bounds on Ramsey Numbers Involving C_4,
(on arxiv)
with Luis Boza, to appear in
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory.
Designing and Delivering a Post-Quantum Cryptography Course,
with Thomas J. Borrelli and Monika Polak,
Proceedings of the 55th ACM Symposium on Computer
Science Education, SIGCSE'2024, 137-143.
The Complexity of (P_k,P_l)-Arrowing,
(on arxiv)
with Zohair Raza Hassan and Edith Hemaspaandra,
Proceedings of 24th International
Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory,
Trier, Germany, September 18-21, 2023 (best student paper award).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2023.
Extended journal version in preparation.
Power Analysis Attacks on the Customizable
MK-3 Authenticated Encryption Algorithm,
with Peter Fabinski, Steve Farris, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Łukowiak
Proceedings of the 30-th International Conference on
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
MIXDES'2023, Kraków, Poland, June 2023.
Extended journal version in preparation.
On Some Generalized Vertex Folkman Numbers,
(on arxiv)
with Zohair Raza Hassan, Yu Jiang, David Narváez and Xiaodong Xu
Graphs and Cominatorics 39 (2023), paper no. 62. DOI 10.1007/s00373-023-02654-8.
Statistical Analysis of the MK-3 Customizable Authenticated Encryption,
with Peter Bajorski, Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Łukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2022, Bethesda MD, November/December 2022.
Extended journal version in preparation.
Memory Protection with Dynamic Authentication Trees,
with Matthew Millar and Marcin Łukowiak
Proceedings of the 29-th International Conference on
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
MIXDES'2022, 202-207, Wrocław, Poland, June 2022.
Solving the Cross Domain Problem with Functional Encryption,
| slides)
with Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel, Steve Farris and Marcin Łukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2021, San Diego CA, November 2021.
Hardware Obfuscation of the 16-bit S-box in the MK-3 Cipher,
with Jason Blocklove, Steve Farris, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Łukowiak
Proceedings of the 28-th International Conference on
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
MIXDES'2021, 104-109, Łódź, Poland, June 2021.
Chromatic Vertex Folkman Numbers,
| slides 2018,
slides 2020
on arxiv)
with Xiaodong Xu and Meilian Liang
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
27(3) (2020) #P3.53, 12 pages.
Failed Power Domination on Graphs,
with Abraham Glasser, Bonnie Jacob and Emily Lederman
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics,
76(2) (2020) 232-247.
Star-critical Ramsey Numbers for Cycles Versus K_4,
with Chula Jayawardene and David Narváez
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory,
41 (2021) 381-390.
Design of a Flexible Schönhage-Strassen FFT
Polynomial Multiplier with High-Level Synthesis to
Accelerate HE in the Cloud,
with Kevin Millar and Marcin Łukowiak
Proceedings of International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs
ReConFig'2019, Cancún, Mexico, December 2019.
Exploring the Application of Homomorphic
Encryption to a Cross Domain Solution,
with Cody Tinker, Kevin Millar, Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2019, Norfolk VA, November 2019.
On a Diagonal Conjecture for Classical Ramsey Numbers,
(on arxiv
| slides.pdf)
with Meilian Liang and Xiaodong Xu
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
267 (2019) 195-200.
Flexible HLS-Based Implementation of the Karatsuba Multiplier
Targeting Homomorphic Encryption Schemes,
with Michael J. Foster and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of the 26-th International Conference on
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
MIXDES'2019, Rzeszów, Poland, June 2019.
On Some Edge Folkman Numbers Large and Small,
with Jenny Kaufmann and Henry Wickus
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics,
12 (2019), 813-822.
A Note on Upper Bounds for Some Generalized Folkman Numbers,
(on arxiv)
with Xiaodong Xu and Meilian Liang
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory,
39 (2019) 939-950.
On the Nonexistence of Some Generalized Folkman Numbers,
(on arxiv
| slides.pdf)
with Xiaodong Xu and Meilian Liang
Graphs and Combinatorics,
34 (2018) 1101-1110.
Array-Based Statistical Analysis of the MK-3 Authenticated Encryption Scheme,
with Peter Bajorski, Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2018, Los Angeles CA, October 2018.
Customization Modes for the Harris MK-3 Authenticated Encryption Algorithm,
with Peter Bajorski, Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2018, Los Angeles CA, October 2018.
Neural Networks and the Search for a Quadratic Residue Detector,
with Michael Potter and Leon Reznik
Proceedings of the International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks,
Anchorage AK, May 2017.
Zarankiewicz Numbers and Bipartite Ramsey Numbers,
with Alex Collins, Alexander Riasanovsky and John Wallace
Journal of Algorithms and Computation,
47 (2016) 63-78.
Implementing Authenticated Encryption Algorithm MK-3 on FPGA,
with Gordon Werner, Steven Farris, Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2016, Baltimore MD, November 2016.
Effectiveness of Variable Bit-Length Power Analysis Attacks on SHA-3 Based MAC,
with Xuan Tran and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2016, Baltimore MD, November 2016.
A Small Step Forwards on the Erdős-Sós Problem
Concerning the Ramsey Numbers R(3,k),
with Rujie Zhu and Xiaodong Xu
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
214 (2016) 216-221.
Homomorphic Proximity Computation in Geosocial Networks,
with Peizhao Hu, Tamalika Mukherjee and Alagu Valliappan
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Security
and Privacy in Big Data, pp. 379-284,
BigSecurity INFOCOM'16 workshop, San Francisco CA, April 2016.
Evaluation of Homomorphic Primitives for Computations on Encrypted Data for CPS Systems,
with Peizhao Hu, Tamalika Mukherjee and Alagu Valliappan
Proceedings of the IEEE Smart City Security and Privacy,
CPS Week'16 workshop, Vienna, Austria, April 2016.
On Bipartization of Cubic Graphs by Removal of an Independent Set,
(on arxiv)
with Hanna Furmańczyk and Marek Kubale
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
209 (2016) 115-121.
On Some Three-Color Ramsey Numbers for Paths,
with Janusz Dybizbański and Tomasz Dzido
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
204 (2016) 133-141.
Customizable Sponge-Based Authenticated Encryption Using 16-bit S-boxes,
(pdf | slides.pdf)
with Matthew Kelly, Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of MILCOM'2015, Tampa FL, October 2015.
Affine-Power S-Boxes over Galois Fields with Area-Optimized Logic Implementations,
with Christopher Wood and Marcin Lukowiak
short version titled "Constructing Large S-boxes with
Area Minimized Implementations" in
Proceedings of MILCOM'2015, Tampa FL, October 2015.
On Some Open Questions for Ramsey and Folkman Numbers,
(preliminary MLI report pdf)
with Xiaodong Xu
in Graph Theory, Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems,
Vol. 1,
edited by Ralucca Gera, Stephen Hedetniemi and Craig Larson,
Problem Books in Mathematics,
Springer 2016, 43-62.
Wheel and Star-critical Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilateral,
with Wu Yali and Sun Yongqi
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
186 (2015) 260-271.
Ramsey Numbers of C_4 versus Wheels and Stars,
with Wu Yali, Sun Yongqi and Zhang Rui
Graphs and Combinatorics,
31(1) (2015) 2437-2446.
Computation of the Ramsey Numbers R(C_4, K_9) and R(C_4, K_10),
with Alexander Lange and Ivan Livinsky
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
97 (2016) 139-154.
Stochastic Analysis and Modeling of a Tree-Based Group
Key Distribution Method in Tactical Wireless Networks,
with Peter Bajorski, Alan Kaminsky, Michael Kurdziel,
Marcin Lukowiak and Christopher Wood
Journal of Telecommunications Systems & Management,
3(2) (2014), 8 pages.
On Some Zarankiewicz Numbers and Bipartite Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilateral,
with Janusz Dybizbański and Tomasz Dzido
Ars Combinatoria,
119 (2015) 275-287.
The Ramsey Number R(3,K_10-e) and Computational Bounds for R(3,G),
(pdf | slides.pdf)
with Jan Goedgebeur
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
20(4) (2013) #P19, 25 pages.
Cybersecurity Education: Bridging the Gap between Hardware
and Software Domains,
with Marcin Lukowiak, James Vallino and Christopher Wood
ACM Transactions on Computing Education,
14(1) (2014), article #2.
Use of MAX-CUT for Ramsey Arrowing of Triangles,
(pdf | slides.pdf)
with Alexander Lange and Xiaodong Xu
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
88 (2014) 61-71.
Bounds on Shannon Capacity and Ramsey Numbers from Product of Graphs,
(pdf | slides.pdf)
with Xiaodong Xu
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
59(8) (2013) 4767-4770.
New Computational Upper Bounds for Ramsey Numbers R(3,k),
(pdf | slides.pdf |
with Jan Goedgebeur
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
20(1) (2013) #P30, 28 pages.
On Some Multicolor Ramsey Numbers Involving K_3+e and K_4-e,
(pdf | slides.pdf)
with Daniel S. Shetler and Michael A. Wurtz
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics,
26 (2012) 1256-1264.
Developing an Applied, Security-Oriented Computing Curriculum,
with Marcin Lukowiak, Andy Meneely, James Vallino and Christopher Wood
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of American Society
for Engineering Education, ASEE 2012,
June 2012, San Antonio, TX.
Designing a Secure Cloud-Based EHR System Using
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption,
with Suhair Alshehri and Rajendra K. Raj
Proceedings of the Data Management in the Cloud Workshop, DMC 2012,
April 2012, Washington D.C.
Computing the Ramsey Number R(K_5-P_3,K_5),
with Jesse A. Calvert and Michael J. Schuster
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
82 (2012) 131-140.
Effects of GPU and CPU Loads on Performance
of CUDA Applications, (pdf)
with Maksim Bobrov, Roy Melton and Marcin Lukowiak
Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications,
PDPTA'11, July 2011, Las Vegas, NV, Vol. II, 575-581.
More Constructive Lower Bounds on Classical Ramsey Numbers,
(pdf | slides.pdf)
with Xiaodong Xu and Zehui Shao
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 25 (2011) 394-400.
Trustworthy Data Collection from Implantable Medical Devices
via High-Speed Security Implementation Based on IEEE 1363
with Fei Hu, Qi Hao, Marcin Lukowiak, Qingquan Sun, Kyle Wilhelm and Yao Wu
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 14(6) (2010) 1397-1404.
NTRU-based confidential data transmission in telemedicine sensor networks
with Fei Hu, Xiaojun Cao, Kyle Wilhelm and Marcin Lukowiak
in Security in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Singapore
World Scientific, 2010, 159-192.
An Overview of Cryptanalysis Research of the Advanced Encryption Standard,
with Alan Kaminsky and Michael Kurdziel
Proceedings of MILCOM'2010, San Jose, CA, November 2010.
Multi-Vertex Deletion Graph Reconstruction Numbers, (pdf)
with David Rivshin
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
78 (2011) 303-321.
Computing the Folkman Number F_v(2,2,2,2,2;4), (pdf)
with Joel Lathrop
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
78 (2011) 119-128.
New Bounds on Some Ramsey Numbers, (pdf)
with Kevin Black and Daniel Leven
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
78 (2011) 213-222.
Ramsey Numbers Involving Cycles, a survey, (pdf)
in Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, edited by Alexander
Soifer, Progress in Mathematics 285, Springer-Birkhauser 2011, 41-62.
Some Ramsey Problems
Involving Triangles - Computational Approach,
(pdf | slides.pdf)
in Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, edited by Alexander
Soifer, Progress in Mathematics 285, Springer-Birkhauser 2011, 185-188.
Problems suggested during talk at the
Ramsey Theory Workshop, DIMACS, May 2009.
FPGA Design and Performance Analysis of
SHA-512, Whirlpool and PHASH Hashing Functions,
with Przemysław Zalewski and Marcin Lukowiak,
Proceedings of the 16-th International Conference
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,
June 2009, Łódź, Poland.
Modified and extended version, Case Study on FPGA
Performance of Parallel Hash Functions, in
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny/Electrical Review, ISSN 0033-2097,
R 86 NR 11a, 2010, 151-155, (pdf).
Vertex and Edge Graph Reconstruction Numbers of Small Graphs,
with David Rivshin
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics,
45 (2009) 175-188.
NTRU-based sensor network security: a low-power hardware
implementation perspective, (pdf)
with Fei Hu, Kyle Wilhelm, Michael Schab, Marcin Lukowiak, and Yang Xiao
Security and Communication Networks, 2 (2009) 71-81.
An Improvement to Mathon's Cyclotomic Ramsey Colorings,
(ps | pdf)
with Xiaodong Xu
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
16(1) (2009) #N1, 5 pages.
Bounds on Some Ramsey Numbers Involving Quadrilateral,
(ps | pdf
| slides.pdf)
with Xiaodong Xu and Zehui Shao
Ars Combinatoria,
90 (2009) 337-344.
A Case for a Parallelizable Hash,
with Alan Kaminsky
Proceedings of MILCOM'2008, San Diego, CA, November 2008.
W poszukiwaniu funkcji skrotu, in Polish,
( | |
(Designing hash function),
with Michal Adamaszek
Delta, 408 (2008) 1-3.
28 <= R(C_4,C_4,C_3,C_3) <= 36,
(ps | pdf)
with Xu Xiaodong
Utilitas Mathematica,
79 (2009) 253-257.
On the Most Wanted Folkman Graph,
(ps | pdf),
( | slides.pdf)
with Xu Xiaodong
Geombinatorics, Vol. XVI (4) (2007) 367-381.
Paper based on talk delivered October 7, 2005 at 19th MCCCC'05.
Substantial citations in The Mathematical Coloring Book
by A. Soifer, Springer 2009.
Graph Reconstruction Numbers,
(ps | pdf)
with Brian McMullen
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
62 (2007) 85-96. Errata in 63 (2007) 93-95.
There is no (22,8,4) Block Design,
(ps | pdf)
with Richard Bilous, Clement W. H. Lam, Larry H. Thiel, (Ben) P. C. Li,
G. H. John van Rees, Wolfgang Holzmann and Hadi Kharaghani
Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 15 (2007) 262-267.
Computing the Folkman Number F_v(2,2,3;4),
(ps | pdf)
with Jonathan Coles
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
58 (2006) 13-22.
Computation of the Ramsey Number R(W_5, K_5),
(ps | pdf)
with Joshua Stinehour and Kung-Kuen Tse
Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 47 (2006) 53-57.
Complexity Results in Graph Reconstruction
with Edith Hemaspaandra, Lane Hemaspaandra and Rahul Tripathi
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
152(2) (2007), 103-118.
Preliminary version in the Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium
on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS Prague 2004,
LNCS 3153, Berlin 2004, 287-297.
Available as Technical Report 852, Department of Computer Science,
University of Rochester, October 2004, 27 pages
(ps | pdf).
Constructive Lower Bounds on Classical Multicolor Ramsey Numbers,
(ps | pdf)
with Xu Xiaodong, Xie Zheng and Geoffrey Exoo
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
11(1) (2004) #R35, 24 pages. MR 2005h:05135.
Computation of the Ramsey Number R(B_3, K_5),
(ps | pdf)
with Andrey Babak and Kung-Kuen Tse
Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and Its Applications, 41 (2004) 71-76.
A Constructive Approach for the Lower Bounds on the Ramsey Numbers R(s, t),
(ps | pdf)
with Xu Xiaodong and Xie Zheng
Journal of Graph Theory, 47 (2004) 231-239. MR 2005k:05161.
Towards the Exact Value of the Ramsey Number R(3, 3, 4),
(ps | pdf)
with Konrad Piwakowski
Proceedings of the 33-rd Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing,
Congressus Numerantium,
148 (2001) 161-167.
An Upper Bound of 62 on the Classical Ramsey Number R(3,3,3,3),
(ps | pdf)
with Susan E. Fettes and Richard L. Kramer
Ars Combinatoria,
LXXII (2004) 41-63. MR 2005f:05105.
A Computational Approach for the Ramsey Numbers R(C_4, K_n),
(ps | pdf)
with Kung-Kuen Tse
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
42 (2002) 195-207.
On Halving Line Arrangements,
(ps | pdf)
with Alina Beygelzimer
Discrete Mathematics,
special issue "Kleitman and Combinatorics: A Celebration",
257 (2002) 267-283.
see also Sloane's
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences,
sequence A076523.
The Ramsey Multiplicity of K_4,
(ps | pdf)
with Konrad Piwakowski
Ars Combinatoria,
LX (2001) 131-136.
Preliminary version appeared as Computation of the Ramsey Multiplicity of K_4
in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Graph Theory and Combinatorics,
Victoria, British Columbia (1999) 28-30.
Ramsey Numbers for Triangles versus Almost-Complete Graphs,
(ps | pdf)
with Brendan D. McKay and Konrad Piwakowski
Ars Combinatoria,
LXXIII (2004) 205-214.
Computation of the Folkman Number F_e(3, 3; 5),
(ps | pdf)
with Konrad Piwakowski and Sebastian Urbański
Journal of Graph Theory,
32 (1999) 41-49.
2-(22, 8, 4) Designs Have No Blocks of Type 3,
(ps | pdf |
with Brendan D. McKay
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
30 (1999) 251-253.
30 <= R(3,3,4) <= 31,
(ps | pdf |
with Konrad Piwakowski
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
27 (1998) 135-141.
Subgraph Counting Identities and Ramsey Numbers,
(ps | pdf |
with Brendan D. McKay
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
69 (1997) 193-209.
Towards Deciding the Existence of 2-(22, 8, 4) Designs,
(ps | pdf |
with Brendan D. McKay
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
22 (1996) 211-222.
The Nonexistence of 4-(12, 6, 6) Designs,
(ps | pdf |
with Brendan D. McKay
in Computational and Constructive Design Theory (edited
by W.D. Wallis),
Mathematics and its Applications 368,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1996) 177-188.
R(4,5) = 25,
(ps | pdf |
with Brendan D. McKay
Journal of Graph Theory,
19 (1995) 309-322.
Small Ramsey Numbers,
last revision #17, June 7, 2024, 133 pages
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
Dynamic Surveys DS1,
revisions #1 through #17, 1994-2024,
Preliminary version appeared as a technical report,
Department of Computer Science,
Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT-TR-93-009 (1993).
Paths, Cycles and Wheels in Graphs without Antitriangles,
(ps | pdf)
with Jin Xia
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics,
9 (1994) 221-232.
Preliminary version appeared as a technical report,
Department of Computer Science,
Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT-TR-92-008 (1992).
Linear Programming in Some Ramsey Problems,
(ps | pdf)
with Brendan D. McKay
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
61 (1994) 125-132.
On (n, 5, 3)-Turan Systems,
with Elizabeth D. Boyer, Donald L. Kreher and Alexander F. Sidorenko
Ars Combinatoria,
37 (1994) 13-31.
The Ramsey Numbers R(K_4 - e, K_6 - e) and R(K_4 - e, K_7 - e),
with James N. McNamara
Proceedings of the 22-nd Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing,
Congressus Numerantium,
81 (1991) 89-96.
A New Upper Bound for the Ramsey Number R(5, 5),
(ps | pdf)
with Brendan D. McKay
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics,
5 (1992) 13-20.
The First Classical Ramsey Number for Hypergraphs is Computed,
(ps | pdf
| more data)
with Brendan D. McKay
Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms,
SODA'91, San Francisco, (1991) 304-308.
The Number of Edges in Minimum (K_3, K_p - e, n)-good Graphs,
with Jing Zou
Proceedings of the 21-st Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing,
Congressus Numerantium,
78 (1990) 153-165.
Enumeration of All Simple t-(t+7, t+1, 2) Designs,
(ps | pdf)
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
12 (1992) 175-178.
The Ramsey Numbers R(K_3, K_8 - e) and R(K_3, K_9 - e),
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
8 (1990) 137-145.
Drawing of the unique R(K_3,K_7-e)-critical graph G5
The Parameters 4-(12, 6, 6) and Related t-Designs,
(ps | pdf)
with Donald L. Kreher, Dominique de Caen, Sylvia A. Hobart and
Earl S. Kramer
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics,
7 (1993) 3-20.
On the Ramsey Number R(K_5 - e, K_5 - e),
Ars Combinatoria,
36 (1993) 225-232.
On the Covering of t-sets with (t+1)-sets: C(9, 5, 4) and C(10, 6, 5),
with Dominique de Caen, Donald L. Kreher and William H. Mills
Discrete Mathematics,
92 (1991) 65-77.
Minimum Triangle-Free Graphs,
with Donald L. Kreher
Ars Combinatoria,
31 (1991) 65-92.
Constructing 6-(14, 7, 4) Designs,
with Donald L. Kreher
Contemporary Mathematics, AMS,
111 (1990) 137-151.
Lower Bounds for Multi-Colored Ramsey Numbers from Group Orbits,
with Donald L. Kreher and Wei Li
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
4 (1988) 87-96.
Upper Bounds for Some Ramsey Numbers R(3, k),
with Donald L. Kreher
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
4 (1988) 207-212.
On R(3, k) Ramsey Graphs: Theoretical and Computational Results,
with Donald L. Kreher
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
4 (1988) 37-52.
Search Algorithm for Ramsey Graphs by Union of Group Orbits,
with Donald L. Kreher
Journal of Graph Theory,
12 (1988) 59-72.
Solving Subset Sum Problems with the L^3 algorithm,
with Donald L. Kreher
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing,
3 (1988) 49-63.
New t-Designs Found by Basis Reduction,
with Donald L. Kreher
Proceedings of the 18-th Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing,
Congressus Numerantium,
59 (1987) 155-164.
Simple 5-(28, 6, lambda) Designs from PSL_2(27),
with Donald L. Kreher
Annals of Discrete Mathematics 34,
special volume on Combinatorial Design Theory dedicated to Alexander Rosa
(edited by C.J. Colbourn and R.A. Mathon), North-Holland
Mathematics Studies
149 (1987) 315-318.
Finding Simple t-Designs by Using Basis Reduction,
with Donald L. Kreher
Proceedings of the 17-th Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing,
Congressus Numerantium,
55 (1986) 235-244.
The Existence of Simple 6-(14, 7, 4) Designs,
with Donald L. Kreher
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,
43 (1986) 237-243.
Aritmetica en Precision Multiple para la Maquina FOONLY-F2 (in Spanish)
[Multiple Precision Integer Arithmetic for the Computer FOONLY-F2]
IIMAS CT Mon. 76,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
Mexico D.F., (1983).
Desarollo de la teoria de los algoritmos en paralelo y su
aplicacion para evaluacion en la maquina AHR (in Spanish)
[Theory of Parallel Algorithms and its Applications for
the AHR Machine]
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
Mexico D.F., (1983).
Bounded Alternation,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
Mexico D.F., (1980).
Logic and Complexity of Synchronous Parallel Computations
Ph.D. thesis (in Polish),
Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw (1980)
English version appeared in the CCPAS-report no. 353, Warsaw (1980).
Logic and Complexity of Synchronous Parallel Computations,
Proceedings of Mathematical Logic in Computer Science conference,
Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai 26,
Salgotarjan, Hungary (1978), North-Holland, (1981) 675-697.
Programmability and P = NP Conjecture
Fundamenta Informaticae IV,
2 (1978/1979) 71-82.
Programmability and P = NP Conjecture
Proceedings of the Fundamentals of Computation Theory Conference,
Poznań-Kórnik 1977,
LNCS 56, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1977) 494-498.
MR 57
Most of older papers can be accessed through
RIT Scholar Works
and RIT Digital Archive.
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