We will make use of textbooks along with other sources (e.g., research papers). All reading materials will be made available through MyCourses, with some provided here also for convenience.
Textbooks. We will make use of the following texts (available freely in PDF/html), along with additional sources provided through MyCourses. These books can be purchased used for reasonable prices online.
Below is a partial list of well-known computer science conferences and journals that publish research on machine learning, and examples of influential conferences in areas that use machine learning heavily. Most conference and journal papers from these venues can be found directly online, or are available through the RIT library/Summon system.
Tip: dblp is a very good resource for scanning papers in journal issues and proceedings quickly by title and author (with links to papers). In some cases below I have linked to the DBLP page for convenience.
Machine Learning Conferences and Journals:
Conferences in Application Areas: