
Course Readings

We will make use of textbooks along with other sources (e.g., research papers). All reading materials will be made available through MyCourses, with some provided here also for convenience.

Textbooks.  We will make use of the following textbooks (also available through MyCourses).

Terrier / PyTerrier

For assignments and exercises, we will make use of the PyTerrier framework created at the University of Glasgow (Scotland). A paper from CIKM 2021 giving an overview of the system is available through MyCourses.

Evaluation Tools

trec_eval: standard tool used for evaluating retrieval effectiveness in international competitions (e.g., TREC, NTCIR, CLEF, FIRE). This is the official C implementation version 9.04.

IR Journals and Conferences

This is a (partial) list of well-known journals and conferences that publish research on information retrieval. Most papers are available online or through the RIT library/Summon system. The leading international organization for IR research is ACM SIGIR. dblp is a very good resource for scanning papers in proceedings quickly by title and author (with links to papers).