Note that threads and synchronization will not be covered on the midterm.
Project 2 "Frenzy" is now online (see notes here). The initial submission is due this Sunday evening (Feb. 10th).
The final exam has been scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 26th at 12:30-2:30pm in room 70-1435.
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.
Lab 7 is due before the end of Tuesday night (January 29th).
Week 7
Assigned Reading: Chapters 12-14
(GUI in Java: the Swing Library, Event-Driven Programming)
The final exam has been scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 26th at 12:30-2:30pm in room 70-1435. Please report any conflicts you have to the instructor ASAP.
The second midterm exam will be given in Week 8 on Wednesday Feb. 6th in class.
Project 2 "Frenzy" is now online (see notes here). The initial submission is Due Feb. 10th.
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.
Lab 6 is due before the end of Tuesday night (January 29th).
Week 6
Assigned Reading: Chapters 12-14
(GUI in Java: the Swing Library)
The late submission for the Battleship project is Monday, Jan 21 (before the end of the evening: note a 10% penalty applies). Notes on the project are available from the "Assignments" link above.
The final exam has been scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 26th at 12:30-2:30pm in room 70-1435. Please report any conflicts you have to the instructor ASAP.
The second midterm exam will be given in Week 8 on Wednesday Feb. 6th in class.
Project 2 "Frenzy" is now online (see notes here).
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.
Lab 5 is due before the end of Tuesday night (January 22nd).
Week 5
Assigned Reading: Chapter 22
(on the Java Collections Framework)
The final submission for the Battleship project is due Sunday, Jan. 20. Notes on the project are available from the "Assignments" link above.
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.
Lab 4 is due before the end of Tuesday night (January 15th).
Week 4
Assigned Reading: Chapters 18, 21, 22
(on binary file input/output and the Java Collections Framework)
The final submission for the Battleship project is due Sunday, Jan. 20. Notes on the project are available from the "Assignments" link above.
Lab 4 is now available (link above)
The first mid-term exam will be given in class on Wednesday.
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.
Lab 3 is due after the break, before the end of Tuesday night in Week 4 (January 8)
Week 3
Assigned Reading: Chapters 17, 8.3, 10.5, 8.7-8.8, 18
(on exceptions, wrapper classes, streams, and file input/output)
The initial submission for the Battleship project is due Friday, Dec. 21st. Notes on the initial submission are available from the "Assignments" link above.
Lab 3 is now available (link above)
The first mid-term exam will be given in class on Wednesday, Jan. 9th (Week 4)
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.
Lab 3 is due after the break, before the end of Tuesday night in Week 4 (January 8)
Week 2
Assigned Reading: Chapters 10 and 17
(on interfaces, abstract classes and execptions)
Project 1 (a one-sided game of battleship) is now online (link above). The first part of the project ("initial submission") is due Friday, Dec. 21st.
Lab 2 is now online (link above)
All slides from this week are now online.
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.
For my section, lab 1 is due before the end of the night Tuesday (i.e. before 12:00am Wednesday)
Week 1
Assigned Reading: Chapter 9
(on inheritence and polymorphism in Java)
Please review the course syllabus and schedule.
Lab 1 has been posted. Make sure to do the assigned pre-lab work (reading about RCS, unix manual pages on rcs commands) before going to your lab this week.
The week's slides are now online (link to slides is above)
Instructions for using the computers in ICL6 are available here.