Department of Computer Science
Computer Science II (20072)

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Instructions for Using the Machines in ICL6

The name of the printer in ICL6 is icl_lw6, in case you need hard copies of labs, results, etc.

Logging onto Sun machines from ICL 6

  1. Click "XServer" (the big X) on the desktop. This starts a server that will listen for remote display data (from the remote sun machine).
  2. Under the "Start" button, click on "Putty." You will probably want to save a configuration after you have gone through the following steps:
    1. Click on the "X11" item in the left window pane that appears, and then check "X11 Forwarding"
    2. Click on "Session" at the top of the list in the left window pane, and then enter the name of the Sun machine you want to log into. Some options are:,, Any other sun machine you know of in the CS labs (ICL1 - ICL6) should work.
    3. Press enter or click on a button to connect to the machine you've listed.
    4. After entering a machine name, you can give the session configuration a name (in the text box below) and then hit the "Save" button (in the right panel) to record it. In the future, you can just double click on your saved session.
    5. Once you connect, issue this command: xterm &, which will pop up a new window.
    6. Use the new xterm window as though you were sitting at the lab machine (for example, you can start firefox on the remote computer, and see the window on the lab machine).