
  • Award [June 2024] Our collaborative work with Argonne National Laboratory receives Best Paper Award at ACM HPDC 2024.
  • Award [May 2024] HPDSL in collaboration with the researchers at Argonne National Laboratory receives funding from National Science Foundation (NSF) on investigating versioned lineage-driven checkpointing of composable states.
  • Award [September 2023] HPDSL receives funding from Department of Energy (DoE) / Argonne National Laboratory on investigating scalable techniques for storage and revisiting data snapshots using heterogeneous memory hierarchies.
  • Award [June 2023] HPDSL's work receives Best Poster Award at ACM HPDC 2023.
  • Award [December 2022] Our collaborative work with Argonne National Laboratory and Saudi Aramco receives Best Paper Award at IEEE HiPC 2022.
  • Award [June 2021] HPDSL in collaboration with the researchers at Virginia Tech receives funding from National Science Foundation (NSF) on investigating cross-stack resource management in disaggregated datacenters.
  • Award [September 2020] HPDSL receives funding from Department of Energy (DoE) / Argonne National Laboratory on investigating techniques for realizing efficient GPU checkpointing.
  • Award [September 2020] Our collaborative work with Minseok Kwon (RIT) and John Marshall (Cisco Systems) receives Best Paper Award at IEEE CLUSTER 2020.
  • Research [MASCOTS'2020] Paper on improving TensorFlow performance on heterogeneous datacenters.
  • Research [DS-RT'2020] Paper on co-scheduling batch and on-demand jobs.
  • Research [CLUSTER'2020] (Collaborative) paper on improving IP lookup performance on software data planes.
  • Research [CCGrid'2020] (Collaborative) paper on scheduling deep learning workloads on multi-GPU systems.
  • Research [CLUSTER'2019] (Collaborative) paper on analyzing deep learning training on heterogeneous supercomputers.
  • Award [July 2019] HPDSL and Michael Mior (RIT) receives funding from Harris Corporation for investigating strategies for cloud migration.


Inquiries should be sent to M. Mustafa Rafique.

20 Lomb Memorial Drive, 70-3635
Rochester, NY 14623
mrafique AT cs DOT rit DOT edu
+1 (585) 475-4528