Job Opportunities

We are not looking to hire any new lab members currently, but please check back at a later time.

Past Postions

[ FILLED ] Computer Science PhD Position (Start: Fall 2020)
Document and Pattern Recognition Lab
Department of Computer Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

PhD Topic: Math formula extraction, recognition, and indexing
Advisor: Dr. Richard Zanibbi (

The Document and Pattern Recognition Lab (dprl) at RIT is looking for a new PhD
student to work on extraction, recognition, and indexing of formulas in large
collections as part of the MathSeer project starting in Fall 2020. 

The MathSeer project ( is a collaborative
effort between RIT, Penn State, and the University at Maryland, College Park.
We are working to create new technologies for math-aware search. This includes
novel search interfaces and engines that integrate text and math in order to
improve search of technical information both within and across subject domains.
The project is funded by the National Science Foundation (USA) and the Alfred
P. Sloan Foundation.

The dprl is a leader in math-aware search and recognition of math notation,
particularly technologies for math formula entry, recognition, and search.
Along with other members of the MathSeer team, we are overseeing the first
ARQMath task at CLEF 2020 (Answer Retrieval for Questions on Math: We also recently led the CROHME 2019
competition at ICDAR 2019, the standard international benchmark for evaluation
handwritten math recognition systems (

Questions about the position should be directed to the lab director, Richard
Zanibbi (