A Toolkit for Creating High Quality Publications and Web Pages
Hans-Peter Bischof
Department of Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology
RoffToWeb is a toolkit that makes it possible for an author
to create both high quality PostScript and a hierarchy of
HTML files automatically from a single set of troff input
The main objective in roffToWebs design was to utilize the
best features of each medium while making the final docu-
ments as similar as possible. Other goals for this toolkit
were that:
- It would be easy to use.
- It would be easy to setup for new projects.
- The user would only need to know how to create input
documents for the formatter, i.e., would not need to
know how to write HTML.
- A user would be able to define macros.
- It would be extensible to new preprocessors.
- Each web page that was created would have the same
look and feel, and that that look and feel could be
customized. Furthermore, each page would be marked
with the author's copyright.
- The toolkit would add local search capabilities to
the web site automatically.
- It would enable a hierarchical structure to be added to
the web pages.
Colloquia Series page.