CSCI 737
Pattern Recognition

Instructor: Dr. Richard Zanibbi (
Lectures (Synchronous Online):
Tues/Thurs 2:00 - 3:15pm (GOL 1610) 
Office Hours: Fridays 9am-12pm (over Zoom - see MyCourses)

Home Page & News: Week 15
(The End!)

  • We have class Monday at 2pm and Tuesday at 2pm this week.  Monday we will have paper presentations, Tuesday we will discuss Project 3 and the exam (i.e., final project presentations).
  • I will be holding my final office hours this Friday from 9am-12pm over Zoom.
  • Please complete the student evaluations for the course - I would appreciate knowing what you think worked in the course, and what could be improved.
  • Final deliverables (see details below):
    1. Mon May 3, 2pm - Paper presentation slides due, presentations in-class
    2. (**Extension**) Tues May 4, 11pm - Assignment 4 due.
    3. (Next Wk) Mon May 10, 1:30-4pm - Exam: Project 3 Presentations - submit slides before the exam
    4. (Next Wk) Mon May 10, 11:59pm (NO LATE SUBMISSIONS) Final project code and test set submissions.

Week 14

  • **Schedule** - notes on Week 15 (next week). Monday May 3rd we will have a 'Thursday' class at 2pm. Our last class will be Tuesday, May 4th at 2pm.
  • Please complete the student evaluations for the course - for future students, it would be very helpful to know what you think worked in the course and what could be improved.
  • The final research papers on parsing math will be presented and discussed in-class on Monday, May 3rd (slides are due before class).
    • As before, groups are expected to discuss their paper and assigned questions over discord, but reports will be submitted as slides, that will be presented during group presentations in-class.
    • Each group will have 10 minutes to present, giving each team member 2 minutes to answer their question using 1-2 slides.
    • There are again two drop boxes, an individual drop box to submit your 1-2 slides for grading, and a group box to share and combine slides for presentation in-class.
  • Assignment 4 is also due Monday, May 3 at 11:59pm. Please see the assignment requirements on MyCourses.
  • Project 3 is due the day of the exam (May 10th - 1:30pm).  Groups will provide a presentation rather than a written report on their system. Slides are due before the start of class, and code and runs are due by 11:59pm. Please see the project write-up for details.  Note: these are hard deadlines, no extensions will be granted.
  • Quiz 10 (the final quiz) is due Thursday at 11:59pm (in the evening after class).

Week 13

  • **Extension** - Project 2 is now due Wednesday at 11:59pm. 
  • Correction for Project 2: Compare the results of your system against the baseline oracles on your training data (the oracles cannot see ground truth for the test set).
  • There will be no quiz this week. Enjoy the break day on Thursday!

Week 12

  • The second paper discussions and question answers are due Thursday, April 15 at 11:59pm. Make sure to submit your final answers to the individual drop box (for grades), and your group's dropbox (to share with your group members).
  • Project 2 is due Tuesday, April 20th at 11:59pm. Some references have been provided, which give some background on the dataset, evaluation tools, and the last CROHME competition in 2019.
  • There will a quiz released Wednesday, due before class on Thursday. 

Week 11

  • *Extension: Assignment 3 is now due Friday, April 9th at 11:59pm.
  • Project 2 has been released, and is due Tuesday, April 20th at 11:59pm. Students should continue to work in the same groups as for Project 1. Project 2 builds directly from Assignment 3, but will allow you to experiment with existing libraries for building segmenters.  Some references have been provided, which give some background on the dataset, evaluation tools, and the last CROHME competition in 2019.
  • The second set of papers for analysis and discussion will be released Thursday evening, with discussions and question answers due Thursday, April 15 at 11:59pm.  Groups (and discord threads) remain the same as for the first paper, but questions have been rotated through group members. Make sure to submit your final answers to the individual drop box (for grades), and your group's dropbox (to share with your group members).
  • There will a quiz released Wednesday, due before class on Thursday. 

Week 10

  • Assignment 3 is due Tuesday, April 6th at 11:59pm.
  • There will a quiz released on Wednesday. 

Week 9

  • Project 1 is due Tuesday evening, March 23rd at 11:59pm.  Submissions for the leaderboard are now available on our shared Google Drive and in the #projects Discord channel for the course.
  • There will be no quiz this week. Assignment 3 will be released on Friday.
  • Enjoy your 'recharge day' on Wednesday (March 24th). Try not to take a real break!

Week 8

  • **Extension: Project 1 is now due Tuesday, March 23rd at 11:59pm.  Submissions for the leaderboard are now available on our shared Google Drive.
  • There will be no quiz next week - enjoy your 'recharge day' next Wednesday (March 24th).
  • We will begin discussing segmentation tasks on Thursday.

Week 7

  • Quiz 5 will be released on Wednesday.
  • Project 1 has been released, and is due Sunday March 21st at 11:59pm.  If you do not already have a project group (3 members each), log into MyCourses and click on the 'Groups' link to join one of groups 1-7 with your partners (Groups 8 and 9 are already set). Warning! If you do not choose a group by Friday at 11:59pm, you will be assigned to a group automatically.
  • **Updated:  simple HTML page + javascript file for processing recognition results has been shared on MyCourses.  You may modify this to test your symbol recognizer (and later projects) interactively. My thanks to Michael Borcherds of Geogebra and our classmates Ayush Kumar Shah and Alberto Serrano-Calva.  A README explaining how to install and use the program is now provided.
  • The schedule for remaining course deliverables has been updated (see 'Schedule' link).

Week 6

  • Answers to questions for your assigned research paper are due this Friday, March 5 @ 11:59pm.  Make sure to participate in the discord thread for your paper!
  • Quiz 4 is due by 11:59pm on Thursday evening.
  • Project 1 will be released later this week.

Week 5

  • There is no class on Tuesday this week (Wk 5 - RIT break day).  There will be no quiz this week.
  • Assignment 2 is due Sunday, Feb. 28th at 11:59pm.
  • Answers to questions for your assigned research paper are due March 5 @ 11:59pm.  Make sure to participate in the discord thread for your paper!
  • The first project will be posted by the middle of next week.

Week 4

  • Due to the RIT break day on Tuesday, there will be no quiz next week.  I recommend that students at least study the questions , and bring questions to office hours or class, or share them via email or the class discord channel.
  • Assignment 2 has been posted, and is due Sunday Feb. 28th at 11:59pm.
  • The first set of research papers have been posted on MyCourses (under 'Content -> Research Papers').  Answers to questions assigned to individual students about the papers are due March 5th at 11:59pm.
  • The third quiz will be available by early Wednesday afternoon, and is due before class on Thursday.
  • This week we will wrap up our overview of Bayesian Decision Theory and approximate Gaussian generative 'Bayesian' models, and then move on to talking about dimensionality reduction (i.e., compressing feature vectors to shorter links, while trying to preserve useful information).

Week 3

  • Prof. Zanibbi's office hours will end one hour early on Friday, at 11am.
  • Assignment 1 is due next Sunday (Feb. 14, 2021).
  • The second quiz will be available by Wednesday morning, and is due before class on Thursday.
  • Duin Ch. 2, which provides an introduction to Bayesian Decision Theory, has been posted on MyCourses. 

Week 2

  • Assignment 1 is now available, and due next Sunday (Feb. 14, 2021).
  • Final exam has been scheduled for Monday May 10th from 1:30-4pm. Let me know within the next week if you have a conflict.
  • The first quiz will be available through MyCourses by Wednesday morning, and will be due before class on Thursday.
  • Duin Ch. 2, which provides an introduction to Bayesian Decision Theory, has been posted on MyCourses. 

Week 1

  • This is the home page for CSCI 737 - Pattern Recognition, Spring 2021, taught by Prof. Zanibbi
  • Update (Jan. 28): the class lectures will delivered over Zoom at the scheduled time for the remainder of the semester. Attendance is required, but virtually, not in-person.
  • Delivery of the course is synchronous, blended (i.e., in-person + online each lecture), and full-flex. Students who wish to attend in-person should attend only on their scheduled day each week (Tuesday / Thursday). Students who would prefer to attend online may do so using the Zoom links provided on MyCourses. The course is full-flex, meaning that with permission of the instructor, you may switch between in-person and online lecture participation. Whether in-person or online, attendance is required for this course, and attendance and seating charts will be recorded each lecture.
  • [ Thursday Jan 28th - Class chose to move online ] At some point in the semester lectures may move entirely online. This will happen if: 1) RIT stops in-person lectures due to COVID, or 2) a large majority of the class agrees to move lectures online.
  • All lectures for the course will be recorded and available through the 'Zoom' menu on MyCourses. 
  • Please sign up for the course Discord channel. Details are available through MyCourses.
  • Readings will be provided in the course schedule, and sources made available through MyCourses. There is no course textbook.
  • The course includes assignments, assigned readings, and projects. 
  • The 'exam' will be the final project submission.

Department of Computer Science
Rochester Institute of Technology