4005-800-01: Theory of Computer Algorithms (RIT CS, 20081)

Department of Computer Science
Theory of Computer Algorithms (Winter 2008)

4005-800-01 (Calendar Description)
Home --- Syllabus --- Slides --- Assignments --- Resources

Instructor: Richard Zanibbi, Office hours: Tues 2-4pm, Thursday 10am-12pm (or by appointment), 70-3551 (Golisano College)
Lectures (NOTE: two locations):
Mondays 12-1:50pm (70-2590, Golisano College)
Wednesdays 12-1:50pm (70-3435, Golisano College)

Assignment 3 (Due: Start of Class, Wed. Feb 11, 2009)

To submit your assignment, please hand in a printed, typeset document containing your answers at the start of class.

Questions (Total of 50 points)

  1. (10 pts) Course text Ch. 3, Exercise 3
  2. (10 pts) Course text Ch. 3, Exercise 10
  3. (10 pts) Course text Ch. 6, Exercise 3
  4. (20 pts) Course text Ch. 6, Exercise 21