Distributed GUI for Network Simulation

This work describes a prototyping effort of a flexible graphical user interface (GUI) for a simulation tool called COPS. The GUI is designed to allow parameter setup for all modules in simulation model, and can be easily replaced by new GUIs implemented in different languages/graphical tools. This paper provides design guidelines and implementation details of the flexible GUI.
  • Jason Yi-Bing LinNational Chiao-Tung University
  • Publications
  • Y.-B. Lin and J. Geigel. A graphical user interface design for network simulation. J. Syst. Softw., 36(2):181?190, Feb. 1997.
  • D. Mok, D. Daly, J. Geigel, K. Kant, Y.-B. Lin, and V. Mak. Cops: A computer operations performance simulation system. In Simulation Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., 26th Annual, pages 206 ?215, mar-1 apr 1993.