Here are the steps to run terrier TF-IDF retrieval: Setup: 1- Download terrier from "". When running the TF-IDF for task 1, we used version 5.2. 2- Download the processed files that will be used for indexing from ARQMath google drive, in the "" file. 3- Extract to the zip file and update the collection.spec accordingly. Please note that each line in the collection.spec is referring to one file extracted from 4- Modify the file, located in etc directory, with the one on ARQMath's google drive. Here are important parts to modify: - collection.spec: this is the file path to collection.spec file. - trec.topics: file path to qrel_main.xml. This file contains the questions from Task 1. 5- Update the in the "etc" directory with the one updated in step 4. Indexing: 1- Go to the terrier directory. 2- run the following command to do the indexing: (Please visit terrier website for more information, "") bin/terrier batchindexing Note: The index files will be in directory "var/index". Retrieval: 1- Download the qrel_main.xml file and locate it in the share directory in terrier. 1- Go to terrier directory. 2- Run the following command, bin/terrier batchretrieve -t share/qrel_main.xml Note: qrel_main.xml should be the complete file path to qrel file. The retrieval results will be available in the var/results directory.