Topical   research + projects

Research: The research assessment component includes undertaking some research on a particular topic assigned. The student will have to write a short essay (1 page), prepare a research paper and give a presentation to the class.

For this assignment the main assessment component will be producing a research paper (7-10 pages). It should be submitted  in an electronic format (html, doc or txt file). The paper should be presented to the class  as scheduled during weeks 8-10. A short summary stating your research topic and your research plan should be submitted electronically by week 4.

Your research paper could be based on either of the following:

1.      Research literature search, analysis and synthesis of some conclusion. Here you have to find at least 3 papers investigating a particular research problem in your topic (try to find the papers on the SAME problem, however, they might offer different methods, solutions and results), study them, analyze them and produce your conclusion.

2. The previous one may include a patent search also

3.      Software tools search, analysis, testing and comparison. Here you have to find at least 5 software products available for download (not different versions of the same product), study them, compare their characteristics and produce your recommendations (positive and negative) on those products use and applications

4.      Combination of points 1 and 2: e.g. a review paper and a few software products.

5.      Educational research: to be discussed individually

Suggested topics:

Biological authentication and fusion of a few measures


Fuzzy models in computer security measurement


Software algorithms in biological sensors


Neuro-fuzzy models in computer security measures


Migration from computer security monitoring to security evaluation and predictions


Software products applied for evaluation of computer network security (pick up some division) and their possible modification

Software products applied for enhancing security in computer networks (pick up some division) and their possible modification

Computer system and network security modeling with intelligent methodologies: fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms

possible modeling aspects: survivability, recovery after attack, missions


Computer Network Survivability Metrics

Measures indicative of properties in aggregate

Measures indicative of lack of properties

Measures indicative of growth of properties

Measurements of:

Resistance (range of aggression)

Recognition (expressive power)

Recovery (graceful degradation/restoration)

Software Environment Sensors in Computer Networks

Mechanisms to identify stress in software

Mechanisms to identify non-random stressors

Algorithms/Heuristics to deinterleave events into sequences of interest

Algorithms/Heuristics for sensor placement based on mission


Integration of expert systems and neural networks to analyze the current demand for resources in a computer network system