4003-232-04 Computer Science II

Instructor: Dr Leon Reznik

Useful Information

Course Web Page for All Sections: CS2 - Computer Science II

Week 3
Lecture notes Input and Output and also other documentation :
–  JDK notes on the IO package and the Sun tutorial

- Examples of file I/O at  File I/O Examples

Week 4

Lecture notes: Recursion

Week 5

Lecture notes: Algorithms analysis, searching, sorting

January 13: Exam 1 grades submitted to myRIT

Week 6

Lecture notes: Divide-and-conquer algorithms, MergeSort, QuickSort

Nice sorting demos. Thank you, Dr Bayliss, for this reference

Sorting Algorithm Web Sites Nice visualization of sorting alg's
Sorting Demo - Includes code to help you implement a graphical sorting demo
Sorting Demo - Includes examples of parallel sorting algorithms

Week 7

Lecture notes: Binary search trees

Week 8


As I have been given no information when our classroom projector will be fixed, I have not prepared a PowerPoint presentation for this week. Lecture notes will be handed out at class on Monday, February 3.

Week 9

Lecture notes: Linked Lists

You can find a good code example of linked lists implementation and application here